Hello! Thanks for stopping by.
I’m Jenny, a mother of two lovely little girls.
I started this blog to help my close girlfriends who are on their journeys to become mothers, are mamas, or are hoping to become moms one day.
In this modern age, the “village” needed to raise a child is more often self-formed rather than readily available. This village may not even be those closest to you in proximity, but rather, come in the form of a community of likeminded friends (even just online!) who can share thoughts and learn from each other. I’m here to build that community.
I am a chronic planner. I like to make mindful decisions and make educated guesses wherever possible. Before becoming a mom, I spent hours upon hours connecting with other parents about their experiences, pouring over the internet (YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest), and read many, many books on parenting, psychology, and early childhood.
Some parents told me “you can never prepare,” or “you’ll never feel ready“.
I disagree.
All of my hard work in preparing, going to therapy, and learning definitely paid off. It shows daily in the way I parent, the way I react to situations, and the way I understand my children’s behaviors. It shows daily in the way my children are developing, growing and thriving.
I will tell you if I did NOT invest those hours I did in preparation, I would have reacted very differently and became the authoritative mother that I grew up with. I am STILL learning every day! It’s a constant process.
When my husband and I decided to try for a child, I felt “ready” because I was equipped and empowered with the foundational knowledge to take on this chapter of my life as a mother.
If you are in preparation mode for family planning or are already in the trenches of motherhood, and others around you are telling you “you can’t prepare,” this blog is for you. You CAN prepare. You CAN make better, more educated decisions for yourself and your family.
In this information rich (and short form content) era, it’s difficult to discern what might be the “best” for your child. That’s how I felt…and still feel. I know that sharing my perspectives have helped my friends. I also know writing and organizing my learnings selfishly help me retain and reflect on my motherhood journey. We are all here to learn and grow.
So I hope this blog helps anyone else out there who might be searching for answers in the middle of the night, spiraling.
This is a blog that I wish I had when I started my journey as a mom, and this blog will evolve with me as I keep moving along in this journey. I think it’s safe to say that you can never truly “prepare” for parenthood, but you CAN be better equipped for every stage ahead.
My goal with this blog is to take you along with me as a lifelong learner who has a devoted passion for early childhood development and self development. I hope to transcribe and share the things I’ve learned along the way in motherhood and life in general.
Becoming a parent is a huge undertaking that many do not realize the scope of its demands until they are in the thick of it. I hope I can help you stay above water in this busy season of parenting, provide well-researched information, and become a trusted source for your learnings.
I want to set the record straight that I am NOT an early childhood educator, a clinical psychologist, or an expert in the field of parenting and childrearing in ANY WAY.
My day job is in the field of banking and investments, and I am a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). I have a Bachelors in Science in Biology and a minor degree English Language (I’d like to think that I’m sort of a Renaissance woman, if you will). If I didn’t drink the koolaid into the world of banking, I’d like to think I might have had a career in journalism, design or art (painting, drawing). All of the writing, graphics and drawings on this website is done by yours truly.
The name…
This is honestly the first name that came to me, as a spinoff of the Time Value of Money (TVM) calculations I often calculate for my clients as a CFP. For those of you who do not do TVM calculations on the daily, TVM is a core principle of finance where it is believed, “a sum of money in the hand has greater value than the same sum to be paid in the future” – Investopedia.
The idea is the same for this blog. I believe providing the knowledge and the value up front NOW will serve you better so you know what to expect as you navigate your journey as a mom.
I also think it is interesting to touch on topics about how society views the “time value” of moms everywhere. I look forward to contributing my thoughts and learnings on these topics on my blog.
A little bit about me…
- I have two daughters who are 2 years and 2 months apart.
- We have a 10 year old American cocker spaniel.
- I love spicy food. My friends are family are worried for my stomach lining.
- My MBTI is ENTJ.
- Leo Sun, Pisces Moon and Libra Rising.

If you want to be updated on my posts and exclusive future content releases, drop a note on what you want to see next, send me recommendations on all things motherhood, or simply just want to say hi, add me by subscribing to Time Value of Mommy’s newsletter! Thanks for joining me on this journey, and best of luck to you as a new parent.